green jackfruit curry, eggplant/brinjals pickle & achcharu :Sri Lnakan foods (part 2)

 polos(green jackfruit curry)

               A favourite curry dish among locals and visitors is the polos curry made from
                      young jackfruit. The fact that this fruit is very hard to find outside Sri Lanka
                      makes it a cherished dish for all. This seasonal tropical fruit is diced into bite-sized
                      chunks and enhanced with a number of locally available spices including mustard
                      seeds,turmeric,chilli powder,pandan leaves and curry leaf sprigs -another staple
                      in the Lankan cooking. It has a unique starchy texture that is similar to that of
                      cassava or potato and at most restaurants.


 wambatu moju (eggplant/brinjals pickle)

 The wambatu moju is a complex fusion of varied flavours. prepared with the eggplant,
this dish is bursting with flavour packed with several textures-a delightful pickle in your
mouth.The bite-sized eggplant /brinjal wedges are deep fried and then caramelized with 
a spoon of sugar,vinegar,red onions ,green chilies,mustaed seeds,chili powder and a hint
of turmeric powder. while looks can be deceiving with this nearly blackened dish,the taste
is an altogether different tale.It is ideally served with rice and curries.



Sri Lankan achcharu is quirky acquired taste of the locals.Basically any pickle that can
be served as a relish or side dish to a main course is considered an achcharu.The achcharu
enhances the flavour of any ordinary meal;it is a punch of boldness-crunchy,spicy and full
of also varies between every household.This tongue-tickline medley of vegetables 
and fruits is an all-time favourite at any meal.The mixed vegetable,ambarella,mango and
pineapple achcharus are most people's favourites.

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