Colombo street foods

 This post  special for food lovers . everybody love to foods.specially  love to diffends foods then people trying to taste different foods.colombo is best place for street food lovers.

Different types of Street foods are available in Colombo. Gallface  is awesome place in Colombo for foods but eat street is most favorite  place of Street food lovers.Kotthu,wade,isso wade,ice cream kottu , Burger, fruit juice and lot of food foods at Colombo.


Every visitor fill their Social media with Photos of Sri Lankan Street foods.One day  me and my friends oder Sri Lankan Kotthu from Some  Place of Colombo with Uber Eats .I can't explain 
taste  of it. Lot of types of kottu and wade in gall face.You can enjoy all of it from near to beach.
I think you street foods with family,crush, girlfriend or boyfriend else friends.Share this post for Your friends who love to street food or who will visit sri Lanka.If you like to our Blogs please follow us on Facebook for more updates.

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